Patch Adams

Well, I'd better go hit
the thorax as well, so...

I have a crush on you.
Ha! I can't believe I just
blurted that out.

Look, thank you for
taking me along tonight.

I actually had fun.
Good night.
Wait a minute.
When I said I had a crush on you,
you didn't say...

"No way, loser.
I'd rather have a lobotomy by a leper".

That means something.
Maybe I was just being polite
and I didn't want to hurt your feelings.

But you're not polite.
You're rude.

Sometimes you're downright bitchy.
- Good night.
- Good night.

Dr Hyer, please dial the pharmacy.
Blue skies
Shining on me
Nothin' but blue skies
Do I see
Singin' a song
- Are you a doctor?
- No. I'm a medical student.

But if there's anything
I can do to help you...

- You wanna help me?
- Oh, yeah. What can I do?

Listen, you little
do-gooder prick.

If you wanna make yourself feel good,
don't make me pay for it.

Now get out of here,
'cause you don't help shit!
