You have made a complete mockery
out of our distinguished guests.
If you think that I will further
tolerate your blatant disregard
of the bylaws of this...
What are you smiling at?
Is this all
a big joke to you?
Get out of here!
Blatant disregard for
school code and procedure.
Defying direct orders
from a dean.
And I am aware
of your creative efforts...
to make sure our visiting gynecologists
feel right at home.
- Now, what is it you'd
like me to do for you?
- I want to graduate, sir.
Dean Walcott
thinks otherwise...
but my grades
are way above par.
I want to finish school
so I can become a doctor.
Well, I'm gonna give this
to you real straight.
I have a hospital and a medical school
to run here.
I have to trust the people
in my employ...
otherwise their quality of life
will turn to shit.
Their life turns to shit,
my life turns to shit. Do you follow?
- Yes.
- Good.
Now, uh, Dean Walcott is a...
a pain in the ass...
but I depend on him to keep me up to
speed on what's going on around here...
and I would never take the word
of any student over his.
I also have a source
that informs me that your antics...
have improved the quality of life
for the patients.
They don't complain as much,
they take less medication...
and, uh, what's-his-name over in 305
has not thrown his bedpan at a nurse...
in over a week.
- It's Bill.
- Yeah, whatever.
So, from now on you will not
enter that hospital...
unless under the supervision of the
attendant, as part of the curriculum...
and you will steer clear
of Dean Walcott.
Yes, sir.
So I'm still in school?
I wouldn't
send my laundry out...
but, uh, you just
don't screw up, huh?