
What happened?
A miracle. Every time
I thought I'd found someone...

they'd turn out
to disappoint me.

They'd know the early episodes,
but not the later ones.

They'd know all about Muffin,
but not about Bud.

What the hell is going on?
Can't talk like that here.
You're in...Well, you know.
Bud, Mary Sue,
breakfast is on the table.

We're in Pleasantville?
A dream come true, huh?
Listen, this really isn't funny.
I have a very important date
in five minutes!

You don't have to worry
about that anymore.

You have got to get us
out of here!

-Why would I do that?
-Because we don't belong!

Sure you do.
Mclntyre's department store...

their father dressed
as Prince Charming.

That was gorgeous, Bud.
-My name is David!
-Oh, God!

This is a strange way of
showing your appreciation.

Hey, we appreciate it.
We really do.

We just want to go home now.
But you don't know how long I've
looked for someone like you.

I'm very disappointed.
In fact, I'm starting
to get a little upset.

No, don't get upset.
Well, wouldn't you?
You look for someone for years.

You pour your heart into it--
This is a privilege, you know!
I don't think I'd better
talk about this now.

Where are you going?
I don't think we should discuss
this until I'm composed.

Wait a minute!
Maybe in a while
when I'm not so emotional!

Give you a week or two
to change your attitude!

Come back!
Come back!
A week or two?
Oh, God.
What's gonna happen?
I don't know. It's not possible.
Is it possible?
