Thank you.
There aren't any cheeseburgers.
Usually, I put out the burger
and you finish with the lettuce.
OK, listen.
Do you have the lettuce?
Have you cooked the burgers?
Put on the lettuce,
finish the burger...
and pretend it was me doing it
the whole time.
You can do it, really.
I sure am glad you said
you'd come out with me tonight.
Well, gee whiz, Skip.
I sure am glad you asked me.
I don't know if I ever said this
to you before...
but I think you're just
about the keenest girl...
in the whole school.
Really, Skip? The keenest?
Oh, yeah.
What can I get you two?
I don't know, Bud.
I guess I'll have my usual
cheeseburger and a cherry Coke.
I don't know, Bud.
I'll have a salad and an Evian.
Cheeseburger it is.
You see?
The whole time we were in Civics
I really wanted to come over
and sit next to you...
but you were always sat between
Lisa Anne and Peggy Jane.
And you always seemed
so smart and everything.