You know what I really like?
-What's that?
-Christmas time.
See, every year on December 3...
I get to paint the Christmas
decorations in the window...
and every year I get to paint
a different thing.
Here, I'll show you.
Wow. That's pretty good.
Thanks, but this morning
I was thinking...
and I realized that I look
forward to it all year.
And then I thought,
"Gee, that seems awfully silly.
"It seems like a long time
to wait for just one moment."
Don't you think?
Well, don't you?
I think that you should try not
to think about that anymore.
I'll try that, then.
-Morning, Jim.
-How are you, Bill?
Have they ever lost before?
No, they sure haven't.
It just feels wrong, that's all.
Maybe that's where
they get that saying...
"You can't win 'em all."
That's a good point, Ralph.
They do have that saying.
But they do win 'em all.
They've always won 'em all.
Mr. Mayor, here. Go ahead.
Don't be silly, Roy. I couldn't
possibly take your spot.
What I want to know is,
if they've never lost before...
and they've never tied before,
isn't that winning 'em all?
He's right.
That's what you call it.
Yeah, that's true.
He said it would clear up
on its own...
if she just stayed away
from fried foods and sweets.
Except it's spread
to her lips now, too.
Oh, I don't know.
And you say it was just red?
Well, you know, like real red.
I know what you mean.
That's like this car
that was in front...
of Bill Johnson's soda shop.
I was going by it
and it looked green.