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HxHPRC: Enjoy your hours!
For more than 200 years...
we Owens women
have been blamed...
for everything that has
ever gone wrong in this town.
Is that why people hate us
so much, Aunt Frances?
They don't hate us, sweetheart.
We just make them a little nervous.
Let's face it, Jet. We Owens women
have always created a stir.
It all began with
your ancestor, Maria.
She was a witch.
The first in our family.
And you, my darlings,
are the most recent...
in a long and distinguished line.
Is that why they wanted to hang her?
Because she was a witch?
The fact that our Aunt Maria was
a bit of a heartbreaker didn't help.
Nor did it help that
most of her lovers...
had wives on the hanging committee.
But no, I don't think it was
either of those reasons.
They feared her
because she had a gift.
A power that has been passed
on to you children.
She had the gift...
of magic.