A curse on any man
who dared love an Owens woman.
Is that why Daddy died?
From the curse?
Yes, my darling.
Your mother knew.
She heard the beetle ticking
for your father's death all day long.
She knew that when you hear
the sound of the deathwatch beetle...
the man you love
is doomed to die.
But that's how you came
to live with us.
We tucked you into our lives then.
We've raised you
the best way we know how.
In this house, we have
chocolate cake for breakfast.
We never bother with silly things
like bedtimes or brushing our teeth.
But with the sweets...
comes the sour.
So when you find yourself
the center of attention....
You want to play?
It's not that they hate you.
It's that, well....
We're different.
You witch!
Witch! Witch!
You're a bitch!
The only curse in this family...
is sitting right there
at the end of the table.
Your Aunt Fanny.
Come on, Jetty,
even you have to admit...
any man who gets involved
with an Owens woman...
is bound to end up
6 feet under.
Spare me.
What about my poor Ethan?
An accident.
It was fate.
It was an accident.
It was fate.
- Accident!
- Fate!
Mommy died of a broken heart,
didn't she?
Yes, my darling girl, she did.