Primary Colors

Nonfat caffeine?
Thank you,don't it.
I am delighted you' re on board.
-Honey, get me a sandwich.
-only if you pinch my cheek.

I'll get it. We' re going
to win this thing.

Absolutely.But the big question
is Ozio.

You think he has
the ones to run?

It's cojones. I don't know Ozio
well enough to judge his cojones.

They' re big, but they' re glass.
Hey, there, Henry.
Governor, it's nice to...
You remember Miss walsh.
-You all right darling?

Thank you for this,
-The opportunity to discuss the...
-The program.

A great program,
don't you think. Henry?

Yes. It's an excellent program.
Now, tell the board what
we discussed.

Yes, I will .
I'll just see my way out.
She's on the board of
the teachers' union.

Ah, a teacher and a librarian.
Hi , darling.
I'm sorry. We got stuck here.
But great news--we made real
progress with the teaches.

Tonight? Are you sure?
Oh, I'm so sorry, honey.

Did we have a meeting with the guy
from the portsmouth Democratic Committee

Goddamn it, Charlie.
Are you uncle Charlie,
the Medal of honor winner?

Well , I'm Uncle Charlie.
And whatever else he says.
