Primary Colors

If you'll stop popping my eardrum,
I'll leave now.

Don't Susan, don't go.
Susan, Just stay...
We better go. Where's the plane?
All the way out there?
Okay, Let's go.

Arien, see you in D.C.
Daisy, go with Howard.
Henry...Mitch, Charlie, Let's go.
But I came to talk to you about-

We'll talk on the plane.
But I teach classes in the morning.
Call in sick. The keds won't mind.
Can I make a phone call?
When we get there.
Now, Let's talk...

Hi , honey.
This is Henry Burton.
My wife, Susan.

I met you 25 years ago
at your grandfater's.

You were running under
the sprinkler in wet underpants.

He was a great men.
Thank you.
Jack could also be
a great man...

if he weren't such a thoughtless,
undisciplined shit.

Why is this a big deal?
Because first impressions count,

This is New Hampshire.
These piople don't know you.
They don't even know your state.

They know Orlando Ozio, the governor
of a real state.

But they came to meet you and
you didn't show.
