Primary Colors

Does that good or what?
It smells so good.
-We got it all set up. Where's
the governer? -He's down there.

He's got chicken.
Hey, Will , how's business?
Hey, Amalee, the Gov's here.
You got your mojo working tonight?
Ain't no end to it, gov.
Hey, Lo!
Gov's here.
How you doing?
Henry burton. Poeased to meet you.
How are you, honey?
I had to tell jackie you were
too busy working to baby-sit

and he was not happy.
How are you, honey?
Not so good since my mama died.
I miss her like a pain.
You got to let that happen.
Your mama deserves it.

Your pain will heal ,
but give your mama her due.

We got to miss our mamas.
Nobody loves us like them.

Your mama still with you, Henry?
NO. she's in Beverly Hills
with her second husband.

You' re a lucky man.
Thank you.
And the next time I see my mama,
she's blind.

A year later, she's got
one leg from diabetes.

She could have done anything.
Been anything.

God bless the mamas.
My mama worked her whole life.
My mama raised seven chikdren.
If he doesn't,
we focus on New Hampshire.//He does, we focus on the South.
