Primary Colors

The record was expunged.
How were you released?
The realized it was a mistake.
It was a long time ago.

Check your records.
Come on. We'll be late.
You guys go ahead. I'll meet you.
What are you doing here?
Why is the Black advocate
interested in Stanton?

They' re not. I am.
I'm finding out who he is
because a friend works for him.

MECH, don't do this.
Aren't you interested, too?
Know why he was released?
He called. .a senator
to get him out of jail ...

ask Daley to expunge his record.
He was already so manipulative
in the 60s

that he got in be with Daley...
who busted the protestors
at the Convention.

I don't care.
Stanton was never a radical .

He's a politician.
He couldn't get elected with
a record, so he had it expunged.

You want to work for that?
A man wants to get elected?

No, I want to work for a man
who fights for right.

and watch a Republican get elected.
Do you know the diffeerence?
I know the difference between
a man who believes what I do...

and lies about it to get elected...
and one who doesn't give a fuck.
I'll take the liar.

How did he do this to you?
Do what? what are you... .?
Why are you making him
into the devil?

Get to know him.
Spend a few day with us.
