We've fucked!
Is there anything here that
we could drive away?
This Kadet's not too bad.
They can all run. Back there we've
engines, wheels... no problem.
Just needs a simple fix-up.
-But we want to hit the road now.
-Let's take a look over there.
-But none of them are registered.
-Let me worry about the papers.
Plates too.
I like you guys, you go far.
I'm going to give you choice.
French plates.
Just say ''Bonjour''. Works a treat
to the cops if they stop you...
They're stupid.
They'll let you go.
German doesn't work anymore.
''Guten Tag'' they know...
-So, French plates are better.
-I won't be driving it...
Doesn't matter who's driving.
It's just a better cover.
-So how much?
-How much d'you have?
-Eight thousand.
You're kidding me. I should chuck
this in and do charity work.
So it's a deal?
We'll find a place
where the smoking's good.
Where the hot sun