-You're a dad?
-You're married?
-And it's enough for you?
But in any event,
I don't want to die.
-And are you married?
-No way.
So you can do what you like...
-You could say that.
-So what do you do?
I've a girlfriend...
That's enough for you?
-Two hundred.
-Per room.
-I'm sleeping in the car.
That's five Jim Beam's.
Hope she's worth it.
At least
she didn't steal anything.
Where did she go?
No money; nothing; at night.
She won't get lost.
She's gone.
I think she's really gone.
I should have gone with her
to the shower.
It was an invitation.
I should've gone up with her.
If only I didn't have that drink,
it would've been okay.
-I think it's fate or something.