l'll watch the back.
- Have you got it all ?
- Oui.
- You're sure ?
- Ofcourse. Come and see.
There it is !
lt's not all here.
- Vincent.
- What ?
lt's not all here.
- C'est tout ?
- Ah, non, non, non.
Le patron va contrôler l'argent.
Vous aurez le reste de la marchandise.
Tiens. ll est là dans la voiture,
avec le patron.
He said the rest is in the other car.
The boss wants to check the money.
lfhe agrees, we have no problem.
Here, take the car keys.
Go on. Take them.
Come on. Come.
Okay, give me...
Give me some of the money.
Give me some of the money !
- Okay.
- You aren't going in there ?
- Yeah, l am, and so are you.
- Why am l going in there ?
- Why ? To protect me.
- There is no protection there.
lf it's a come-on, we're fish in a barrel.
Why do they want you in there ?
- What are you, crazy ?
- You know, you think too hard.
Nobody ever told me that before.
But l wouldn't go in there.