
The Russians have decided to bid.
We need to move now.

Excuse me.
l have the information.
We'll be movin' very soon.

lt'll definitely
be in the nature of an ambush

somewhere between here and here.
We'll anticipate
a three-car convoy with a backup team.

We will try and stop the target
before they can get away from us.

- What's in the case ?
- That information isn't necessary.

ls it heavy ? ls it explosive ?
ls it chained
to some unlucky bloke's wrist ?

- Are we gonna have to chop it off ?
- All right.

l don't have to let you know...
Then the price has got to go up.
l'll get you the case,
but the price has gotta go up.

lf it's gonna be amateur night,
l want $100,000. l want it up front.

l want it in a bank account. l want
another $100,000 when you get the case.

We've got shooters here, shooters here.
l'll tell you an old trick.
- What's your problem ?
- Draw it again.

Draw it again.
You're the ace field man. Draw it again.

lt's a simple diagram.
Just draw it again. Draw what you saw.

Draw it again ! Draw it again.
Two shooters.
Car comes through here.
