Take my luggage up right away.
Thank you.
Can we take one picture of you
with my wife ? One picture with you ?
That's it.
So ?
Well, they're good.
Guy goes for the case,
other guy's protecting the principal.
Nobody panics. They're good.
- So what have we learned ?
- Can it be done ?
lt can be done.
We should have two more men.
- We don't have two more men.
- Go to your handler.
- There is no handler.
- Let me go.
There's no handler.
There's only me.
Listen, you want the case,
we're gonna need some more men.
There's no more help,
there's no more men. Are you afraid ?
Of course l'm afraid. You think
l'm reluctant because l'm happy ?
We've made a good plan,
and we're gonna stick with it.
What do we do ?
We wait.
- So, who are they ?
- Our employers.
- Qui est là ?
- lt's me.
They've gone back to the villa.
- Did they have the case with them ?
- They did.
- Did you get the other cars ?
- Got 'em.
- And how do they run ?
- They'll do fine.
Well, what does that mean ?
lt would be nice to do something.
We are doing something.
We're sitting here, waiting.