How do they say it in French ?
En pleine forme.
This was supposed to be
a social occasion.
- Life is uncertain.
- lt is indeed.
But, Gregor,
we have so much history together,
l was sure you wouldn't mind.
- Besides, the world these days is so...
- Unsafe ?
l'll show you how unsafe it is.
See that little girl down there ?
Have you lost your mind ?
Why did you do that ?
To make a point.
l don't know her,
but l was ready to blow her brains out.
But you,
l don't particularly like you.
Just imagine what l'll do to you if you
try anything. Now give me my money.
Put down the gun.
- l never liked you either, Gregor.
- Where did that come from ?
l should have made you strip.
- Now where's my package ?
- lt's right behind you.