Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.
Could you tell me
how to find a post office ?
Do... Do l know you ?
l'm sorry. Do l know you ?
How did you know l speak English ?
You got an English newspaper.
- l'm sorry. l beg your pardon.
- lt's all right.
Uh, what do you need
a post office for ?
'Cause over here,
they use them for different things.
l need your help.
- l thought you left.
- l did leave.
- You did leave ? You're out ?
- That's right.
Can you help me ? l need your help.
What's the number ?
Yeah, the post office is, uh,
just down to your left.
- Up on the left ? Thanks.
- On the left.
- A friend of yours ?
- We went to high school together.
Everyone's your brother
until the rent comes due.
Ain't that the truth !
Yes. Yes, on the terrace ?
Facing me ? l see him.
Yes, l'll get him. Hang on, please.
Excuse me, sir. Are you Sam ?
Telephone for you.
Yeah, good to see you, too.
lf his position changes, l'll let you know.
Gregor's in a town called Arles.