Forgive me, Consul Han...
but I believe
we can ill afford...
to lose men
of your high character.
And speaking as a friend...
who's fought side by side
with you for 15 years...
I will sorely miss
the unshakable support...
you've given
the Royal Hong Kong Police.
So, on behalf of all Brits...
who have ever carried the shield
in Hong Kong...
we shall miss you.
We wish you nothing
but happiness...
as you take up your new post
in the United States.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Consul Han.
Thank you, Thomas.
You know Thomas is not going
to make this evening easy.
Excuse me.
Commander Griffin...
I am pleased to be able
to leave you and Hong Kong...
with a special gift tonight.
Earlier this evening,
Detective inspector Lee...
and his special task force
have once and for all...
crushed the Juntao
criminal organization...
and reclaimed artifacts...
from 5,000 years
of China's heritage.
Thank you.