- Meet me on the corner in 10 minutes
- Where are you goin'?
Excellent! That's was Excellent!
I told Mr. Calloway the other day
how fortunate we are
to have someone like you looking out for Dirk.
I'm just trying to impart
some of the experiences I've accrued
to help him.
This has my number on it
- Hello, Dirk?
- Hi, mom!
- How'd the math test go?
- What math test?
- No. Did you turn in your paper on the Berlin Airlift?
- Yeah, I got an extension.
- So how did it go with Mrs. Calloway?
- We shook hands
- Big Deal!
- And I gave her my phone number
- Buchan said he'd have already banged her by now
- What?
That's my best friend's mother he's talking about
I thought that's why you picked Dirk
as your chapel partner.
What are you, a lawyer?
It's Max Fisher.
- Oh, hi!
What's the secret, Max?
- The secret?
Yeah. You seem to have it pretty figured out
I don't know.
I think you just gotta find something you love to do,
then do it for the rest of your life