I know...
I don't know what to do anymore
It could have been worse.
You almost got the A
Maybe I'm spending too much of my time
starting up clubs and putting on plays
That's possible
I should probably be trying harder to score chicks.
That's the only thing anybody really cares about.
Butit's not my forte, unfortunately.
It'll happen, Max. It's just...
You're like one of those clipper ship captains
You're married to the sea
Yes, that's true
But I've been out to sea for a long time
- Hi
- I like your hat
- Oh, thank you
You're a teacher here, aren't you?
- And this is your first year at Rushmore
- Uh-huh
How long have you been a smoker,
if you don't mind me asking?
- How old are you?
- 15
- Since I was your age
- You're kidding
- You should quit
- You're right
And I should mind my own business
- Where'd you go to school, by the way?
- Harvard