Never in my wildest imagination did I ever dream
I would have sons like this
What does your dad do, Max
He's a neurosurgeon at St. Joseph's Hospital.
Personally, I could never see myself
cutting open somebody's brain.
But he seems to enjoy it
Oh, no! I got this one
- You were in Vietnam, if I'm not mistaken?
- Yeah
- You were in the shit?
- Yeah, I was in the shit
What's on Sunday? Oh, that's right.
The Twin's birthday party
Do you wanna come?
I'd love to. Except I've already got
previous occupations to attend to.
Thanks for the invitation, though
- Come work for me
- What do you mean?
I mean, I could use someone like you
I may not be rich, Mr. Blume
And my father may only be a doctor
But we manage
Excuse me, Mr. Blume
Nice talking to you
You're on the team?
I'm an alternate