Miss Cross?
I thought I would just let you know
as per our conversation the other day...
- Latin?
- Right. The Romance Languages.
I gave a little speech
- I heard about this
- You did?
I understand you made a very convincing argument.
I thought you'd be pleased to hear
they're going to continue the Latin program.
- I'm very impressed
- Thank you very much
- You need an assistant?
- Do we get to have assistants around here?
I doubt it. I'm on scholarship, though.
Academic scholarship. So I get to do odd jobs.
- How did you decide to teach at Rushmore?
- My husband went here.
I didn't know you were married.
Well, he's dead now.
So I'm not actually
- When did he die?
- Last year
- My mother's dead
- I'm sorry to hear that