
- I thought the acting tonight was excellent
- Thanks. Well, it was better in rehersals

I'll catch up with you later, Dad
I've got a dinner to go to

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah, cast and crew only

- You need some money?
- No, Dad

- Max, that was great!
- I'm so glad you could come

I want you to meet a friend of mine
Peter Flynn. Max Fischer

- Who's this guy?
- Peter

I really liked your play
It was really cool

What happened to your nose?
I got punched in the place
What's your excuse?
Hey, arthur!
- How you doing?
- Nice job

- Am I going to get to meet your dad tonight, Max?
- Oh, no. The old man's on call

Mr. Blume, I'd like you to meet Miss Cross
and I didn't catch this young gentleman's name

- I like your nurse's uniform, guy
- These are OR scrubs

OR they?
- Well, they're totally inappropriate for the occasion
- Well, I didn't know we were going to dinner

- That's because you weren't invited
- Take it easy, Max

You're the one who ordered him a Scotch and soda
