Shore party.
No armor has made it ashore.
We got no D.D. tanks
on the beach.
Dog one is not open.
Who's in command here?
You are, sir!
Sergeant Horvath!
You recognize where we are?
Right where we're
supposed to be,
but no one else is!
Soldier: Nobody's where
they're supposed to be.
Shore party.
First wave, ineffective.
We do not hold the beach.
Say again,
we do not hold the beach.
We're all mixed up, sir.
We got the leftovers
from Fox Company,
Able Company,
and George Company!
Shore party.
Shore party.
Cat-F, Cat-F, C--
Reiben here, sir!
See anybody else?
Jackson, but that's about it.
Mellish here.
Caparzo! We got Deforest
back there with Wade.
He's hurt so bad he said
he sprung 100 leaks.
Wade says
he's all used up.
Medical officer:
Move on to somebody you can help.
He's battalion surgeon, sir!
Get his attention.
- Wade!
- Yo, Doc!
- Wade!
- Wade!
- Wade!
- Wade!
- Wade!
- Wade!
All right,
get him off the beach.
I got it!
We stopped the bleeding!
We stopped the bleeding!
Just give us a fucking chance,
you son of a bitch!