Do you see
that impact crater?
Yes, sir.
That should give you
complete defilade
from that machine gun
Get in there and give me
some fire discipline.
Wait for my command.
Captain, if your mother saw you
do that, she'd be very upset.
I thought
you were my mother.
Be not Thou far from me,
o Lord.
o my God,
I am heartily sorry
for having offended Thee.
o my God,
I am heartily sorry
for having offended Thee.
I detest my sins for having
offended Thee, o Lord.
I detest my sins for having
offended Thee, o Lord.
Listen to me, Lord.
[Praying ln Latin]
o my strength...
haste Thee to help me.
Dog one exit!
Right here!
We're in business!