he was always the first to
volunteer and the last..."
Sixth Man: "...came to
a clearing near a road
where over 4,000 troops
had passed."
Seventh Man: "Your husband
served in a combat unit
whose dangerous duty is
to place itself beyond..."
Eighth Man: "...which we all
cherish and hold so dear.
The loss of Lee
and others like him
is a distinct blow
to the regiment."
Ninth Man: "l fully
understand your desire
to learn as much as possible
regarding the circumstances
Ieading to his death."
[Voices Fade]
[Conversation lnaudible]
Colonel, I've got something
you should know about.
These 2 men died in Normandy.
This one at omaha Beach.
"Sean Ryan."
This man at Utah.
"Peter Ryan."
This man was killed
last week in New Guinea.
The 3 men are brothers, sir.
I've just learned
that this afternoon
their mother's going to be
getting all 3 telegrams.
That's not all.
There's a fourth brother,
the youngest.
He parachuted in
with the 101st Airborne
night before the invasion.
He's somewhere in Normandy.
We don't know where.
Is he alive?