He was dropped
about 15 miles inland
near Neuville.
But that's still deep
behind German lines.
Now, Mac, there is
no way you can know
where in the hell
he was dropped.
First reports out of
lke's people at Shaef
said the 101st is scattered
all to hell and gone.
There's misdrops
all over Normandy.
Assuming Private Ryan
even survived the jump,
he could be anywhere.
In fact,
he's probably K.I.A.
And frankly, sir,
we go sending some sort
of rescue mission,
flat-hatting through swarms
of German reinforcements
all along our axis
of advance,
they're gonna be K.I.A. too.
I have a letter here...
written a long time ago
to a Mrs. Bixby in Boston.
So bear with me.
"Dear Madam,
I have been shown in the files
of the war department
a statement of the adjutant
general of Massachusetts
that you...
are the mother of 5...
sons who have died gloriously
on the field of battle.
I feel how weak and fruitless
must be any words of mine...
that would attempt
to beguile you from the grief...
of a loss so overwhelming.
But I cannot refrain
from tendering to you
the consolation
that may be found...
in the thanks
of the republic...
they died to save.
I pray that
our Heavenly Father
may assuage the anguish
of your bereavement
and leave you only
the cherished memory
of the loved and lost...