from here right up
to the edge of the village,
right here.
So we marked 'em,
called the engineers.
We had higher support
expectations, sir.
There was an understrength
company without artillery.
Wehrmacht 346 lnfantry,
Von Luck Kampfgruppe.
We ended up
with 23 prisoners.
We turned them over
to M.P.s from the 29th.
What about our casualties?
the figures...
were 35 dead...
times 2 wounded.
They just...
didn't wanna give up
those 88s.
It was a tough assignment.
That's why you got it.
Yes, sir.
I've got another one
for you.
Yes, sir.
This one's straight
from the top.
I wish.
You and I are taking
a squad over to Neuville
on a public relations mission.
You leading a squad?
Some private in the 101st
lost 3 brothers,
and he's got a ticket home.
How come Neuville?
They think he's up there
part of all
those airborne misdrops.
It's not gonna be easy
finding one
particular soldier
in the middle of this
whole goddamn war.
Like finding a needle
in a stack of needles.
But what about
the company?
We take the pick
of the litter,
and the rest get folded
into Baker.
Jesus Christ.
They took away
your company?
It wasn't my company,
it was the army's.
So they told me, anyway.
Give me Reiben on B.A.R.,
Jackson, Wade, Beasley
and Caparzo.
Beasley's dead.
All right.
Mellish then.
We got anybody speaks French?
Not that I know of.
What about Talbot?
This morning.
All right.
I'm gonna go try to dig up
another interpreter.
Assemble at Battalion
Motor Pool on the beach.
Yes, sir.
What are we gonna do?
Listen up-- What?
What we gonna do?
You're going home wrapped
in an American flag
with a hunk of cheese
in your ass, Caparzo.