bring him in here.
What? Up there?
How the hell
should I know?
Would you just go look,
Thank you, you moron.
All right.
You guys just...
flake out here
for a while.
Let me get this goddamn
hitchhiker out of my boot.
[Shouting ln German]
Drop your weapons!
Drop 'em now!
Drop the fucking weapons!
[Shouting ln German]
I'll shoot you!
I'll shoot you!
Drop! Drop! Drop 'em!
[Shouting ln German]
Now! Put 'em down!
[Shouting ln German]
[Shouting ln German]
[Machine Gun Fire]
Clear up!
Hamill: Clear up!
Clear down!
Enough to make you old.
Let's hope so.
Fred Hamill,
Pathfinders 101st.
John Miller,
2nd Rangers.
Thank you.
We're here looking for
a Private James Ryan.
He's part
of your outfit.
Any chance at all
you policed him up?
How was the road in?
Miller: Scenic.
We lost
most of our ammo.
Horvath: Not to mention
one of our men.
redeploy that bazooka
to the right side
of the road.
Yes, sir!