Ryan? Anybody know Ryan?
101st Airborne? Ryan?
You know a Private
James Ryan from lowa?
This ensemble cast
includes Edward Burns,
Tom Sizemore,
Matt Damon,
Giovanni Ribisi,
Barry Pepper,
Jeremy Davies,
Adam Goldberg,
and Vin Diesel.
You wanna explain this math to me?
Why risk the lives of the
eight of us to save one guy?
Anybody wanna answer that?
This is about citizen soldiers.
Guys who joined because
it was the right thing to do.
Their job was to win
so everybody can go home.
Theirs not to reason why...
They're ordinary men in
extraordinary circumstances,
and they behave extraordinarily.
Nobody was prepared
for how horrific it really was.
And you really got a sense of
what these guys went through.
They do what they're not supposed to,
which is care about one another.
It's one tragedy of war
that you lose your friends.
Parker, get down!
Regardless of the words
on paper and the story,
this was going to be
some brand
of current definitive document
about a day of decision unlike
any other in world history.
Destroy Hitler's empire,
smash it by air,
break it wide open,
then invade by sea.
That was the directive.
D-Day was the pivot point
of this century.
It was the day which decided
whether this world was
going to be Nazi or democratic.
The night before D-day
probably was the most
exciting night in our history.
Planes started taking off
about nine to ten o'clock
at night.
And they were coming over us
at about 500 feet
with their lights blinking,
and in one of those was my brother,