who was a young lieutenant
in the 101st Airborne.
And needless to say,
I had a long prayer,
not only for him, but for
the thousands of those guys
who were within
a half hour of combat.
I was getting scared,
I was frightened to death.
It was quiet on the plane,
and I pulled off my rosary
and I kept saying rosaries.
And someone asked
if he could borrow my rosary,
and I said,
"No, I'm busy using it."
I prayed all the way
until we hit the coastline.
I used to tell people one
of the greatest lies on earth
was when the jumpmaster said,
"Are you ready?"
And everybody said, "Yes!"
If you don't know what fear is,
you'll find out rather quickly
as you go out the door.
What I was thinking
on the way down...
I can't remember thinking of anything
other than just terrible fear.
I was never more afraid of
anything than at that moment.
The sizes of the forces involved
were gargantuan.
This was the biggest amphibious
operation in human history.
Guys thought
this would be pretty easy.
Maybe the Air Force
has killed them already.
Actually, they hadn't hit anything.
Most of the young men that landed
on Utah and Omaha had never
landed on a beach before.
It was their first time at war.
When those ramps
went down on those boats,
and those Germans had been
waiting and holding their fire,
thousands and thousands of them,
rifles, machine guns,
mortars, big cannon.
I swear, in some of those boats