That is caught just exactly right.
- We'll take it, you fall back.
- Be right behind us!
They know they should
get out of there...
Everything tells them they
should run, but they don't.
They stay, and other people see
and come back to help them.
They're the ones who win wars.
You never knew if you were going
to be around the next morning.
It was just one minute
at a time, it was overwhelming.
So many people
were being killed around us.
We just hoped we wouldn't
be the one left behind.
It's frightening for a soldier
that's 18 years old.
Each day I'd check
the lists of dead,
particularly watching
for my brother.
Bob got within two miles of our
lines when he came to a river.
He had a young corporal
with him who couldn't swim.
There was a German sentry
up on the bridge.
Bob went up to get the sentry
and was killed near Währsberg.
So we had our losses
and hurts in the family.
One out of two.
Brothers liked to serve together,
for obvious reasons.
I know guys who had
brothers killed in Normandy.
It happened. Most famously,
with the Sullivan brothers.
Five brothers, one ship.
Ship sank, all five died.
Policy then became, brothers
can't serve on the same ship.
The Army kept them
out of the same division.
But Army battles were so big,
brothers always risked
being killed on the same day
but in different battles.
My grandmother
sent four sons to war.
In our scrapbook, it says,