- Uh, one moment, sir--
- Who are you?
I'm, um--
I'm the money.
Then you may remain,
so long
as you remain silent.
Pay attention. You will see
how genius creates a legend.
- Thank you, sir.
- We are in desperate want
of a Mercutio, Ned.
A young nobleman
of Verona.
- And the title of this piece?
- Mercutio.
Is it?
- I will play him.
- [ Cheering, Shouting ]
Mr.Philips. Welcome.
George Bryan.
James Armitage.
[ Gasps ]
Sam, my pretty one!
- Are you ready to fall in love again?
- I am, Master Shakespeare.
Your voice.
Have they dropped?
No! No.
A touch of cold only.
Master Henslowe, you have your actors...
except Thomas Kent.
I, uh, I saw his Tamburlaine,
you know.
- It was wonderful.
- Yes, I saw it.
Of course,
such mighty writing.
There's no one
like Marlowe.
Better fortune, boy.
I was in a play.
They cut my head off
in Titus Andronicus.
When I write plays,
they'll be like Titus.
You admire it.
I liked it
when they cut heads off,
and the daughter
mutilated with knives.
- What's your name?
- John Webster.
- [ Cat Meows ]
- Here, kitty, kitty.
[ Mouse Squealing ]
- [ Squealing Continues ]
- Plenty of blood.
That's the only writing.
- I have to get back.
- [ Cat Yowling ]
[ Benvolio ] See, where he comes.
So please you step aside.
I'll know his grievance,
or be much denied.
I would thou wert so happy by thy stay
to hear true shrift. Come, madam.
- Cut around him for now.
- What? Who?
- Romeo.
- The one who came with your letter.
- What?
- [ Benvolio ] Good morrow, cousin.