We will not stay there long.
Three or four years.
[ Sighs ]
But why me?
It was your eyes.
[ Inhales ]
No, your lips.
[ Viola Groans ]
[ Gasps ]
Will you defy your father
and your queen?
The queen has consented?
She wants
to inspect you.
At Greenwich,
come Sunday.
Be submissive, modest,
and brief.
I will do my duty, my lord.
[ Viola ]
Master Will, poet dearest to my heart,
"I beseech you
banish me from yours.
"I am to marry Lord Wessex.
"A daughter's duty...
and the queen's command."
[ Strings ]
Gentlemen upstage
Ladies downstage
Gentlemen upstage
Ladies downstage
- [ Stops ]
- Are you a lady, Mr.Kent
I'm very sorry, sir.
[ Actors Murmuring ]
[ Man ]
We're gonna have to do it again.
You did not
like the speech?
No, the speech
is excellent.
"Oh, then I see Queen Mab
hath been with you."
and a good length.