Shakespeare in Love

"who is already sick
and pale with grief...

that thou, her maid,
art far more fair than she."

- Oh, Will.
- Yes, some of it's speakable.

"It is my lady.
Oh, it is my love!

"Oh, that she knew she were!
"The brightness of her cheek
would shame those stars...

as daylight doth a lamp."
Her eyes in heaven would
through the airy region...

stream so bright...
that birds would sing
and think it were not night.

See how she leans her cheek
upon her hand.

Oh, that I were a glove
upon that hand,

that I might touch
that cheek.

- Ay, me.
- "Oh, Romeo.

"Wherefore art thou, Romeo?
- Deny thy father and--"
- Deny thy father and refuse thy name.

Or, if thou wilt not,
be but sworn my love,

and I'll no longer
be a Capulet.

Shall I hear more,
or shall I speak at this?

"What man art thou that
thus bescreened in night...

so stumblest
on my counsel?"

By a name I know not
how to tell thee who I am.

My name, dear saint, is hateful to
myself, because it is an enemy to thee.

Had I it written
I would tear the word.

"The orchard walls are high
and hard to climb...

"and the place death,
considering who thou art,

"if any of my kinsmen
find thee here.

If they do see thee,
they will murder thee."

Alack, there lies more peril
in thine eye than 20 of their swords.

Look thou but sweet,
and I am proof against their enmity.

Would not for the world
they saw thee here.

I have night's cloak
to hide me from their eyes.

- And but thou love me
let them find me here.
- [ Shakespeare ] "Good night.

"Good night,
"as sweet repose and rest
come to thy heart...

"as that within my breast.
