- Nadja!
- Hey, Lejla! Amela!
- Maida, come on!
- Amela!
- I'm here!
- Come! Food.
That's too much for you?
Come, sit.
Eat, eat.
so I see you later.
What do you
think of her?
- She's coming to Barcelona with me.
- That's six you've got coming.
Is it six?
- Mama, do I have to eat the potatoes?
- Yes.
Slavko, if you're looking for someone
to take to the Olympics...
Vlado, that's not nice.
Why don't you ask Natasha
if she wants to go with you?
You know, the girl
from the travel agency?
Come on, I'm not
looking for a wife!
- Ah, she's a nice girl.
- That's what I mean.
What's going on here?
- I don't know.
- What are they doing?
- What's going on?
- You must show me your papers.
I don't have
to show you anything.
You're now in the Serbian Republic
of Bosnia. Your papers!
Since when?
It was declared by Radovan
Karadzic this morning.
Don't be ridiculous.
Karadzic has nothing to do with us.
- Drive on.
- I must see your I.D.
- Your nationality?
- Yugoslavian.
Good night.
I can't believe these soldiers.
What do they think they're doing?
Get out!
Get out of the car.