Shot Through the Heart

- Nadja.
- Thank you.

- Hello?
- Vlado, how are you?

- I tried calling you!
- How are Maida and Nadja?

Yeah, they're here.
They're fine.

I'm really glad to hear that.

Where are you?
Well out of it.
I told you you should
take those tickets.

Yeah... yeah, you were right.
I can still
get you out.

It may be your last
chance, Vlado.

You've got
to take it this time.

- Go on.
- Go and see Natasha.

- You know, from the travel agency?
- Yeah, of course I know her.

I've given her details
of a route you can take

and a special pass to get you
through the checkpoint.

It's totally safe,
but you have to go today.

Vasa Slava Street,
"C" Block, 340.

You've got that?
340 Vasa Slava Street.

Lieutenant Stanic, sir.
Okay. For God's sake,
Vlado, you go this time!

Okay, okay, I'll come.
Promise me now.

You get the hell
out of there!

You should take
Nadja and go.

On our own?
I can't leave now.
I'm needed here.

Cross the mountains
on our own?
