Sir, l want some apples.
You want some apples?
They're 200 tomans a kilo.
- Got any money?
- We don't have any money.
- You don't have any?
- No.
You have no money
and you want to buy apples?
Go ask your father for money.
Don't touch, kid. Go on.
Put them away.
Don't touch. Hands off!
Off you go.
Go ask their father for money.
lt's 200 tomans a kilo.
l told you not to touch.
200 tomans?
l'll ask their father for the money.
Don't cut through it.
You'll damage the lock.
lf you cut through it, we won't
be able to lock the door at night.
Don't cut it, you bastard.
Mon... Money.
They want some apples.