I'm gonna leave you alone
with your thoughts now.
And when I come back
we'll talk about...
what we've just read.
Silently and seriously,
that's how I want you to think.
Our Sunday school teacher
was an unhappy woman...
by the name of Miss Leavey.
Her name suited her perfectly,
as she was always leaving class.
He's so cute.
Simon Birch was so tiny
that we loved to pick him up.
Hey, put me down.
In truth, we couldn't resist
picking him up.
We thought it was a miracle
how little he weighed.
Cut it out,
you assholes.
Hey, no tickling.
I'm warning you.
Pass him to me!
Simon Birch?
I never understood
Miss Leavey's reaction.
Did she think Simon
climbed up there on his own?
Or that leaving us alone with our
thoughts had so empowered us that...
Simon was levitating up
to heaven?
But Simon was no rat.
As vividly as any story in the Bible,
Simon showed us what
a martyr was.
Simon Birch
was the smallest delivery...
every recorded in the history
of Gravestown Memorial Hospital.
Okay, Mrs. Birch...