Simon Birch

Oh, um, could you guys
do me a favor?

Uh, just keep an eye
on the bag for me.

And, uh, give me a holler
if it moves.

You're a drama teacher?
- They teach that?
- Well, what I try and do,
Mrs. Wenteworth,

is-is use the theater to get students
to express themselves...

- in ways they normally couldn't.
- How do you do that?

Well, one way that I found
works well is by introducing props.

- Young people seem to respond to that.
- What kind of props?

Well, kind of like the one
I just left out there in the hall.

Matter of fact, there could be a little
drama unfolding just as we speak.

We'll soon see.
Oh, boy, that's a lot of peas.
Why don't I just put
a few of these back here?

I don't need that
many peas.

- Did you see that?
- What?

- I think it moved.
- You're imagining it.

- Maybe it's a puppy.
- Not unless it's a dead puppy.

Yeah. He wouldn't bring
a dead puppy on the first date.

It's something else.
I bet he's just putting us on.
I bet there's nothing even in there.

He's just playing a joke on us.
Go ahead and open it.

- I'm not opening it.
- Don't you wanna see what's inside?

What I want to do and what I do
are two separate things.

If we all went around doing what we
wanted all the time, there'd be chaos.

You open it.
