Simon Birch

- Mr. Van Gundy?
- He taught your mother piano, right?

That was five years ago, Simon.
I'm 12, remember?

Oh, yeah. You're kind of small
for your age, aren't you?

Suspect sweeping.
- Mr. Prescott?
- He always saved the best cuts
of meat for my mom.

I don't see how pork chops
could lead to intercourse,
no matter how good they are.

- Hi, Ben.
- Hey.

- What are you guys doing?
- We were just...
- It's personal.

- Hey, Ben.
- Hey, Bob. How are you?

Hi, Mr. Baker.
Hey, guys. Hi, Joe.
You know, I didn't get a chance
to talk to you after the funeral.

There were a lot of people.
That's because your mother
was a very special person.

You need anything,
just call, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.

Well, good luck
on your first day of school, guys.

Just give me a holler
if you need anything, Ben.

The office isn't usually
much help.

Okay, thanks.
I might try out for the swim team
this year, Mr. Baker.

That's great, Joe.
I'm a swimmer just like you.
I'm just like you.

Hey, either you guys
taking any drama courses this fall?

So, you know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna finish off my errands,

and, uh, if you guys feel like it,
uh, come say "hi" tomorrow.

Okay? All right.
Bye, Ben.
- He called my mom a special person.
- A "very" special person.

They did spend the night talking
at the parent-teacher conference.

Why didn't
you mention this before?
