But if you did know,
would you tell me?
Yes, I would.
Did Miss Wenteworth
ever talk about me?
All the time, Simon.
Everybody talks about you.
That's how we keep
from gettin' bored.
- Did she tell you about my destiny?
- Simon!
What do you mean?
- I'm going to be a hero.
- You are?
Pretty vague job description,
isn't it?
- How you gonna do that?
- I don't know.
I keep waiting for God
to show me a sign.
Like the burning bush
in the Ten Commandments.
But I guess he doesn't go in
for that kind of thing anymore.
Well, uh, you know,
you got to be a little patient.
I have been patient,
but I'm running out of time.
Simon, you're
12 years old!
You've got all the time
in the world!
I don't think so, Ben.
Time is a monster
that cannot be reasoned with.
It responds like
a snail to our impatience.
Then it races like a gazelle
when you can't catch your breath.
Simon and I were in such a hurry
to get to the answers at the end...
of the road that we never took time
to read the signs along the way.
How could we have known that everything
was working together for a reason?
And so I expect
each and every one of you...
will lend a hand
in making this...
the best Christmas
pageant ever.
So, now, are there
any volunteers for roles,
- or shall I just choose?
- Well, I'll play Joseph!
Good for you, Eddie.