- He just checked out.
- What?
- You bloody knew we were coming!
- l did? No, l got on...
l don't give a shit when you got on!
Where was he going?
- Where did he move to?
- Don't vent your frustration on me.
l haven't been informed
and can't be held responsible.
We just recieved this material
from Germany.
- Probable terrorists, hit men...
- Gales.
Alias Ray Lambert - murders in ltaly,
Germany, lndia and South Africa.
But nothing can be proved.
A traveller in murder...
Delicious, right?
l remember the parties we went to.
You never party in the fraud squad?
l suppose they do...
lnvite one of your colleagues!
He might have a nice wife...
You never tell me anything!
Sorry, l didn't hear what you said.
Sure, you're not here.
Where are you, Roger?
- l'm here.
- No, you're not.