No! You wouldn't!
They are magnificent creatures!
And I hear they taste
just like chicken.
Maybe I should have a taste.
You know, just in case somebody asks me
someday, "Have you ever had peacock"...
I can say, "Yes, I have".
You won't regret it.
Okay. Perfect.
Whoa! Ah.
Oh. Oh, my God!
Mmm. Mmm. Wow.
Chicken. Okay, chicken.
- Have you always been a pilot?
- All my grown-up life.
- Like doing what?
- All kinds of flying.
- Mm-hmm.
- I had my own very successful business.
What happened?
I found a better way of life,
that's all.
- Like what?
- Came out here...
got a nice little house
on a beautiful beach.
- Mm-hmm.
- Got my plane.
Uh-oh. Hmm.
I'm doing what I wanna do.
Got peace and quiet.
Living the life
every man dreams of.
Well, yeah, until they're 12.