Son of a bitch! Goddam it!
Uh, please don't do that again.
I just want one goddam thing
to go right.
Oh, God. I know. Come on.
Ever since we've been here,
you've been so confident.
- You have all the answers.
- Well, I'm the captain.
That's my job. It's no good for me
to go waving my arms in the air...
and screaming,
"Oh, shit, we're gonna die".
That doesn't evoke
much confidence, does it?
No, no, that does not.
I need you to be
my confident captain.
I can't tell you how difficult
this is gonna be for me if you lose it.
- I'm all right now.
- Oh, good. Good.
Wait. Quinn.
What? What?
What do you need?
Hey. Come on. Get out of there.
- What do you want?
- Look, look, look, look.
Oh, yes.
It's a boat.
Looks like they're puttin' in
to that cove.
Yeah, well, how do we signal 'em?
- A flare would be nice.
- Don't start. Come on.
What do we do?
How do we get down there?
Well, we go...