- Sit down! We gotta get out of here!
- Why? Why?
- We gotta get out of here!
- What? Get out of here?
- Shit! Shit, shit, shit.
- What are you talking about?
Oh, my God!
- Who... Who are they?
- Pirates!
Pi... Pirates? As in, "argh"?
Smugglers. Thieves.
They rob boats!
- Rob boats? They just killed a guy!
- They'll kill us too.
- Just for bein' here!
Just for seein' 'em! - Wha...
- Shit, he just saw me.
- We got company.
Ohh. Oh, no.
They just lowered a boat!
- What kind of a boat?
- A motorboat!
Shit! Shit!
Oh, God! Row faster!
Go! Go, go.