The only thing we've got is...
this flare gun and a single flare.
Is it too late
to get it sugar-coated?
That was sugar-coated.
Well, then, what's the bad news?
The bad news is
we may be here for a long time.
You and me.
For a long, long...
long, long, long, long time.
Well, I want my $700 back.
- What?
- You heard me. My $700. I want it back.
You said you were gonna take me
to Tahiti. You didn't.
Give it back. Come on.
One, two, three...
- Wha...
- I figure I got you halfway.
Halfway? Halfway?
- Halfway.
- Halfway? Whoo!
Halfway? Oh, boy, you're good!
Whoo! You got me halfway!
That's fantastic!
Wha... What are you doing?
Hey! Hey! Get away from my plane!
- Oh, you be quiet.
- Goddam it! Get outta there!
- I'm gonna do something!
- Hey! Leave that stuff alone!
- You shut up!
- Come on out! Get outta there!
What do you think you're doing?
Leave my stuff a... Hey, hey, come on!
What's this?
It's a boat.
- It's a life raft.
- We can use that to get off the island.
Where are you gonna go?
You don't even know where you are.
Last thing you wanna do
is go bouncing around the ocean...
in an eight-foot blowup boat.
- Don't tell me what I want!
- Give that... Give it!
Hey, don't pull on that!
Leave it alone! Hey, hey!
Oh! Oh! Get... Wait! Wait!
Get me out! No! Oh!