Flare! Jesus!
- Hey, baby.
- Oh, no.
Uh-oh. Oh, boy.
Oh! Oh, no.
Oh, uh-oh. Oh, no.
- Wha...
- Oh, nuts.
What... Oh!
What the hell did you do?
What the... You...
You wasted our only goddam flare
to shoot a goddam palm tree?
I wouldn't have shot the goddam tree
if you hadn't rolled into me.
I was trying to signal
the goddam plane!
Wha... What goddam plane?
That goddam plane.
- That goddam plane?
- Yeah.
That's a commercial airliner.
It's five miles high,
going 600 miles an hour!
They wouldn't see a nuclear explosion
if they were looking for it
much less a flare!
How the hell was I
supposed to know that?
If you hadn't drunken yourself into
a coma, maybe you could've told me that!
- Do you know what you've done?
- What?
- Do you know what you've done?
- What?
You've taken our one good chance
of being found and pissed it away!
Don't you dare blame this on me!
If you were half a pilot...
we wouldn't be on this island!
I am the best goddam pilot
you're ever gonna meet!
Huh! I've flown with you twice.
You've crashed half the time!
And there is nothing
wrong with my tits!
- There's so much water.
- Don't worry.