tell me what happened?
What happened to your head?
I got mugged and sacked,
only not in that order.
Though it wasn't an actual mugging,
it was only an attempted mugging
according to the police
because they didn't...
- Whoa, whoa.
- Because they didn't...
Wait a sec. Come here.
Come here.
Now sit down. Just sit here, OK?
Now... you're in shock, darling, OK?
You had... a little bit of a shock.
Now just relax.
Do you want a brandy?
- It's 4:00 in the afternoon.
- Of course it is. Sorry.
- Are you OK?
- Me? I'm fine. Fine.
Anyway, anyway...
t-tell me, what happened.
And I just couldn't help thinking
if I had caught that train,
it would never have happened.
I'd have been home
ages ago.
Oh, well,
don't wonder about things like that.
You know. "If only this...",
and "What if that..."
It's done now.
Come on.
I'm going to take you out
and get you alarmingly
out of your head on Grolsch.
And then dry.
And then follow.
Follow, follow, follow.
And then, when you've sung all your
favourite Barbara Streisand songs
at the top of your voice
and got us slung out of the pub...
Yeah. Put this on.
I'm gonna let you have carnal knowledge
of a lamb passanda,